Western Monarch Mystery Challenge


Western Monarch Mystery Challenge

Join the team to help research monarch butterflies migratory habits. It’s easy to participate, just take a picture of any monarch that is not at a overwintering grove. It doesn’t have to be a close up or even in focus.

Send your picture with the date and location to one of the following; iNaturalist (free app), monarchmilkweedmapper.org or email it to MonarchMystery@wsu.edu.

After you have sent in your picture, you’ll be entered to win a variety of prizes every week that you report a monarch butterfly sighting. The challenge will run until April 22. It is a great opportunity to get involved in the Western Monarch conservation community.

Get your kids, neighbors and friends involved in the monarch butterfly hunt. Researchers from Washington State, Tufts University, University of California, Santa Cruz and the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation are looking for more information to better understand the species’ migration habits.

California has seen a dramatic drop in numbers in the last few years and these researchers are turning to the community to help find out more about the species and its migratory patterns.

Watch what’s happening by following the Western Monarch Mystery Challenge on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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